For library users who will remain enrolled at Hitotsubashi University after April 2025, the user’s expiration date will be as follows:

Faculty and staff who will have renewed the contractThe expiration date will be extended after April 1, 2025.
If you wish to extend your expiration date during the current fiscal year, please contact the Circulation Counter. (Weekdays 9:00-17:00)
We will NOT extend the due date of books, so please return during March, or renew your loans yourself through MyLibrary after extend your expiration during March 2025.
Students who will extend enrollment
(enrolled under the same ID)
We will extend the expiration date around March 10, 2025, and inform you on MyLibrary.
We will NOT extend the due date of books, so please renew your loans yourself through MyLibrary.
Students continuing their education on campus or finding a job on campusIf you have documents (e.g., Letter of Admission) confirming your higher education or employment, you can issue a temporary Library card expire on March 31, 2025. Please contact the Circulation Counter with your documents. (Weekdays 9:00-17:00)
You CANNOT transfer borrowed items to a new student ID number. Please return them by March 31, 2025.
*Overdue penalties will carry over.

Please make sure to return all library materials when you graduate or retire in March 2025.
You can check your circulation status on MyLibrary.

Library Service Expiration (include MyLibrary)

All library services, including MyLibrary, will not be able to use after the expiration date.

StatesLibrary Service Expiration
Undergraduate Students graduating in March 2025March 18, 2025 (Graduation Ceremony)
Graduate Students graduating in March 2025The date complete their studies
Faculty and staff members who will retire by March 2025The end date of employment

※ After the expiration, you cannot use MyLibrary.
※ Please note that the expiration date is different from some Information Systems Management Headquarters services, such as Gmail.

Return of Materials

You can return them to the book return drop outside the entrance or also mail them back.

The delivery address

2-1, Naka, Kunitachi-Shi, Tokyo, 186-8602
Hitotsubashi University Library, Circulation Counter

・Send them by traceable service. (e.g. “Yu-Pack", “Letter Pack" of Japan Post co., ltd.)
・Wrap the books in a plastic bag to prevent rain and water.
・Pay the postage yourself.
・If there is the product name field, please write “Return Book".


Please feel free to Contact Us

We have started a trial service to reserve materials in the stack areas.

Please see the page “Using the Stack Areas“, and apply via the email form “Reserving stack area materials form."

We will carry out renovation work of restroom on 1F of the Periodicals Annex.
There are time when it is not available, so please use the restroom on other floor.

 Place: Men’s, Women’s and Multi-functional restrooms on 1F of the Periodicals Annex
 Date : February 7, 2025-March 31, 2023

Some noise will occurs during the work.
We apologize and thank you for your cooperation.

The Spring Vacation Loan 2025 will be held during Spring Break.

 Period: January 29-April 2, 2025

StatusDate Due
UndergraduatesApr. 17, 2025*
Graduates (Books for Study)Apr. 17, 2025*
Graduates (Other materials)2 months*
*For those who are scheduled to graduate or complete their degree in March 2025, the Date Due is Mar. 18, 2025 or the date on which each individual’s diploma is awarded.
  • If the expiration date of the ID card is faster than Date due, Please return the materials by the expiration date of the ID card.
  • The bound periodicals and In library use only materials are not included.
  • The Spring Vacation Loan will also be held on the same dates in Chiyoda Campus Library.

About Renewal the materials

  • The materials on loan can be changed to Spring Vacation Loan, with the exception of books that are overdue or reserved.
  • You can renew the material’s status online by using MyLibrary, from 9 a.m. on Jan. 29, 2024.

Starting in April 2025, the opening hours of the Help Desk on the first floor of the library will change as follows.
Please be aware of this in advance.

【 Current Hours 】
・Quarter: 9:00-17:00
・Break: 9:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00

【 After Change 】
・Quarter: 9:30-16:30
・Break: 9:30-12:00, 13:00-16:30

20,000 academic ebooks from Oxford Scholarship Online are now available. Oxford Scholarship Online provides academic ebooks from Oxford University Press, spanning 27 subject areas. New titles will come up every month.

Oxford Scholarship Online does not cover handbooks, dictionaries and encyclopedias.
Titles on Oxford Scholarship Online Archive are not included.

The library will cancel ebooks when you send a purchasing request for the title within this package during this period. After the period, titles to be purchased are determined, based on the usage, etc.

ACCESS:  Oxford Scholarship Online
 ※Please log in to “Hitotsubashi Authentication System Single Sign-On" when accessing from off-campus.

Available titles are listed under “Find out more>Browse all books in this collection" on the above site.

We have entered into a two-year transformative agreement (*1) with Taylor & Francis from January 2025 to December 2026.

*1 Transformative Agreement
This is the agreement under which the fees paid by universities and other institutions to publishers for access to articles will be progressively converted to APCs (Article Processing Charges), with the aim of expanding open access publication.

Support for Open Access by Transformative Agreement

If you are the corresponding author of a paper submitted to a hybrid journal of Taylor & Francis Journals(Open Choice Journals), the APC may be covered by the University.

The list of eligible titles can be found at the following link;
*Journals marked “Open Select: choose to publish open access" are eligible titles.

Eligible for Transformative Agreement Title List

For more information, please check the URL;

Support for Open Access

We will shoot a video inside the library as follows.

[Date] December 25, 2024 (Thu.) from 3:15 pm to 3:45 pm
[Place] Library Entrance

  • This is a video shoot for the Open Campus 2024. This video will be available to the public.
  • There will be no close-up shots of faces but there is a possibility that you will be in the background.
  • Some noise may be generated.

Thank you for your cooperation.

The Winter Vacation Loan 2024 will be held during Winter Break.

 Period: Dec. 12-Dec. 26, 2024

StatusDate Due
UndergraduatesJan. 12, 2025
Graduates (Books for Study)Jan. 12, 2025
Graduates (Other materials)2 month
  • The bound periodicals and In library use only materials are not included.
  • If the expiration date of the ID card is faster than Date due, Please return the materials by the expiration date of the ID card.
  • The Winter Vacation Loan will also be held on the same dates in Chiyoda Campus Library.

About Renewal the materials

  • The materials on loan can be changed to Winter Vacation Loan, with the exception of books that are overdue or reserved.
  • You can renew the material’s status online by using MyLibrary, from 9 a.m. on Dec. 12, 2024.