If you don’t know where to find the required information or want to know how to search for materials more efficiently, please visit the Help Desk on the 1st floor of the main building for advice.
Help Desk
Service Hours | Monday-Friday [Quarter] 9:00-17:00 [Break] 9:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00 |
Contact Us | Help Desk, Hitotsubashi University Library 2-1 Naka, Kunitachi, Tokyo 186-8602 [Tel] 042-580-8241 [Fax] 042-580-8251 |
- You can send an inquiry from Ask a librarian.
When You Cannot Find What You Are Looking For
- Guidance on using HERMES-Catalog (OPAC), electronic journals and databases is available.
- Guidance on using the card catalogs and reference books (dictionaries/encyclopedias, etc.) is available.
- Other inquiries.
- Assistance cannot be offered with respect to items relating to personal information or items set forth in Article 12, Paragraph 2 of the Library Usage By-laws.
When You Don’t Know How To Obtain A Book, etc.
- Requesting a copy or lending a book from another university
- Inquiries/referrals for visiting other libraries
- If an item is unavailable, it is also possible to submit a book purchase request to the library.
- Seminars and guidance on how to use the databases are also available.
For more details, please see here (only in Japanese).