Searching for Graduation Theses, Master’s Theses and Doctoral Theses
The following are the theses and dissertations of Hitotsubashi University that are held in this library.
Graduation Theses, Master’s Theses and Credit-earning Theses for doctoral courses
Graduation Theses, Master’s Theses, and Credit-earning Theses for doctoral courses are shelved in the stack areas. (Please note that some theses are not stored in the library.)
How to search
In HERMES-Catalog, you can search for graduation theses, master’s theses, and credit-earning theses for doctoral courses. Remote access is required to search from off-campus. Please refer to “How to search from off-campus" below (non-Hitotsubashi University members cannot search). In the advanced search of HERMES-Catalog, you can search by title, author, or supervisor name by specifying search conditions (see example screen: (1) Search Conditions = “supervisor name" (Notes), (2) Document Type = “Theses (excluding Doctoral Diss.) “).
*If you search for theses/dissertations submitted before FY1990, please also check the card catalog.
*Please refer to “E006 How to find graduation theses” in Research Guide for how to search in HERMES-Catalog.
1. Click the “HERMES-Catalog" button on the top page of the Hitotsubashi University Library website. Or, click here to access HERMES-Catalog.
2. Enter your Hitotsubashi Authentication ID and password on the Hitotsubashi Authentication ID Single Sign-On login page.
3. Search in the advanced search of HERMES-Catalog.
How to use
Graduation theses, master’s theses, and credit-earning theses for doctoral courses are for in-library use only.
Inter-campus shipping is not available. Please use the Kunitachi Campus materials at the Kunitachi Campus and the Chiyoda Campus materials at the Chiyoda Campus.
Graduate students/Faculty
: Can enter the stack areas.
Please apply at the main counter, and card keys will be provided. When removing materials from the stack areas, make sure you complete the relevant procedures at the main counter.
Undergraduate students
: Cannot enter the stack areas.
Please apply via Reserving Stack Area Materials Form in advance, or fill out request cards and submit them at the main counter.
*Approval of the author is required for use theses by non-Hitotsubashi University members.
*Please click here about a way of using the stack areas.
Doctoral Theses
Doctoral theses are held in two ways depending on when the degree was conferred.
Open online in Hitotsubashi University Institutional Repository HERMES-IR
For theses awarded degrees on or after April 1, 2013, the full text of the theses is available on Hitotsubashi University Institutional Repository HERMES-IR, unless there are unavoidable reasons. Theses that are not open online cannot be used in the library. For details on theses that are not open online, please contact the respective graduate school office.
Search & Use
To check holdings, please search by keywords in HERMES-Search (remote access for off-campus users / access from here for those without a Hitotsubashi Authentication ID or off-campus users) or HERMES-Catalog (searchable from off-campus without remote access). You can also search directly in Hitotsubashi University Institutional Repository HERMES-IR, where you can select from a list of thesis titles by graduate school or academic year.
Holdings in printed form
In principle, theses for which degrees were conferred before March 2013 are in the library stacks in printed form.
How to search
To check holdings, please use HERMES-Search or HERMES-Catalog to search by keywords (you can also search from off-campus without remote access).
In the advanced search of HERMES-Catalog, you can view a list of doctoral theses by specifying search conditions (see example screen: (1) Search Conditions = “Aza*" (Call No.), (2) Document Type = “Books", (3) Campus = “Library")
How to use
Graduate students/Faculty
: Can enter the stack areas.
Please apply at the main counter, and card keys will be provided.When removing materials from the stack areas, make sure you complete the relevant procedures at the main counter.
Undergraduate students
: Cannot enter the stack areas.
Please apply via Reserving Stack Area Materials Form in advance, or fill out request cards and submit them at the main counter.
*Please click here to see how to use the stacks.
*Photocopying is allowed within the limits of copyright law.
Other holdings
Hitotsubashi University’s doctoral theses are also held by the National Diet Library. Please refer to the following page to check the holding and instructions on how to use.
National Diet Library Research NAVI > Domestic Doctoral Theses *only in Japanese