The library will respond to Hitotsubashi University Open Campus 2023 as follows;

Aug. 6 (Sun)Closed all day
Aug. 8 (Tue)Open (8:40-19:00), Reading Room Open (8:40-18:30)
Aug. 19 (Sat)Open (9:30-19:00), Reading Room Open (8:40-18:30)

On August 8 and August 19, the library may be crowded and noisy due to open campus tours. Please be forewarned.

■ Web OYA-bunko
All services will be suspended from 23:00 on July 16 to 17, 2023 .


The Library offers long-term loans for the Summer Vacation.

Period: July 19 – September 4, 2023

Date due
Undergraduate studentsTuesday, September 19, 2023
Graduate students: Books for StudyTuesday, September 19, 2023
Graduate students: Books for Research2 months (as usual)
  • This does not include bound periodicals, and “not for loan” items.
  • When the expiration date of the student ID card is earlier than the due date, the expiration date will be regarded as the due date.
  • The loan period of the Chiyoda Campus Library materials will also be extended on the same schedule.

About Renewal

  • Users can renew materials already borrowed into the long-term loan period, unless the materials are overdue or have been reserved by another user.
  • Using MyLibrary, users can view their checked-out or reserved items and renew their loans.
  • When using MyLibrary, users can renew into the long-term loan period from 9 a.m. on July 19.

We will shoot a video inside the library as follows.

[Date] Monday, July 3, 2023 9am – noon
[Place] Library Main Building, Periodicals Annex and Reading Room

  • This is a video shoot for the Open Campus 2023. This video will be available to the public.
  • There will be no close-up shots of faces but there is a possibility that you will be in the background.
  • Some noise may be generated.

Thank you for your cooperation.

20,000 academic ebooks from Oxford Scholarship Online are now available. Oxford Scholarship Online provides academic ebooks from Oxford University Press, spanning 27 subject areas. New titles will come up every month.

Oxford Scholarship Online does not cover handbooks, dictionaries and encyclopedias.

The library will cancel ebooks when you send a purchasing request for the title within this package during this period. After the period, titles to be purchased are determined based on the usage reports indicating which titles are the most popular within the university during the period under an EBA model.

ACCESS:  Oxford Scholarship Online
 ※Please log in to “Hitotsubashi Authentication System Single Sign-On" when accessing from off-campus.

Available titles are listed under “Find out more>Browse all books in this collection" on the above site.

*As of 5/15/2023, we have confirmed that the access problem has been resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience.

As of 5/11/2023, there is a problem with accessing the text of Yuhikaku’s contents (titles below) in the database Westlaw Japan.

  • ジュリスト
  • 論究ジュリスト
  • 法学教室
  • 民商法雑誌

We have asked the provider to restore the problem, but the timing of the restoration is not yet determined.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

As the University has reduced its Activity Policy Level to “Level 0″, we are removing restrictions on library use effective May 8.
If usage restrictions are reinstated, we will notify you again.

Reading Seats

  • The seating restriction will be lifted. Please use the Clock Tower Commons or Group Study Rooms if you need to talk.
  • The number of PC seats will continue to be reduced to conserve electricity.

Group Study Rooms

  • The maximum number of users is increased from 6 to 10.
  • Acrylic partitions are removed.

Clock Tower Commons

  • Tables, chairs and other furniture can be moved.
  • Acrylic partitions are removed.

Restricted Access for Alumni and Visitors

  • Restrictions on access to the building during busy periods will be lifted.
    However, during busy periods such as exam periods, the Hitotsubashi University Library may restrict use of the library in accordance with the provisions of Article 18.2 of the Hitotsubashi University Library Usage Regulations.

Thank you for your cooperation with the long-term restriction of library use.
Please continue to use the library while practicing basic hygiene such as washing your hands.

We will shoot a video inside the library as follows.

[Date] Tuesday, May 2, 2023 12:30 – 13:15
[Place] Reading Room

  • This is a video shoot for class(PACE). This video will not be available to the public.
  • There will be no close-up shots of faces but there is a possibility that you will be in the background.
  • Some noise may be generated.

Thank you for your cooperation.

9:00-13:00 on Saturday, 27th May. 2023 (Japan Time)

〈Suspended service〉
All JapanKnowledge Services (JapanKnowledge Lib, Select contents and JKBooks)

Due to repair work, the elevators in the Library Main Building will be out of service for about 2 hours during the following schedule.
There may also be some noise.

[Schedule] Monday,April 24, 2023, 10:00 – 15:00 UNDECIDED

We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your cooperation.

[UPDATED on April 24, 2023 5pm]
The completion time of the repair work has not yet been determined.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

[UPDATED on April 24, 2023 5:30pm]
It has been finished.