Searching HERMES-Catalog
HERMES-Catalog (=Hitotsubashi Educational and Research MEdia Service Catalog) is the online catalog for Hitotsubashi University library. This catalog is available for the library’s collection of print books, periodicals, and other books in the university’s collection.
E-books are also searchable, but some titles, such as those included in the database, cannot be searched. E-books that cannot be searched in HERMES-Catalog can be found in HERMES-Search or e-Journal / e-Book List. You can search for journal titles, but not for journal articles or their authors.
Computers for the integrated library system were introduced in the library in 1992, automation of the card catalog has been started since then.
As a rule, materials acquired from 1991 onwards are searchable via the online catalog. Materials acquired before 1991 are currently being added to HERMES-Catalog.
Important Tips for Searching HERMES-Catalog
Entry into the system for materials published before FY1990 is still ongoing. Meantime please use the card catalog.
Books in Chinese/Korean/Cyrillic (Russian) have varying entry statuses and search methods, so searching for them requires special care.
You can search periodical titles in HERMES-Catalog but not individual articles.
Understanding Search Results
Books PDF

E-books PDF

Periodicals PDF

Materials included in HERMES-Catalog
- The following materials in the library collection:
- Books received from FY1991 onwards.
- All Korean (Hangul) books.
- All serial publications (periodicals (including electronic journals), almanacs, white papers, etc.)
- Graduation theses, master’s theses, credit-earning theses for doctoral courses, and doctoral dissertations received from FY1991 onwards
- Some items may not be held at the library
- Click here to search from off-campus
- E-books (excluding titles in some databases)
- Materials held at the Institute of Economic Research Library
- Materials held at the Research Centre for Information and Statistics of Social Science Library
- Materials acquired by the Center for Historical Social Science Literature from FY1991 onwards.
- All materials held at the Chiyoda Campus Library. Items acquired before the above-mentioned years are currently being entered into the system, and some of them are already searchable in HERMES-Catalog.
Entry Status and Search Methods – By Language
Chinese books (including Chinese classics)
Entry status
Items received from FY1993 onwards can be searched for using HERMES-Catalog.
Items with older dates of publication can sometimes be searched for via HERMES-Catalog, so please use both HERMES-Catalog and the card catalog.
Search method
Searching is possible via Kanji (simplified or traditional Chinese, or Japanese characters), Japanese reading, or Pin Yin Chinese romanization.
Chinese classics with a card catalog entry (and some that can be searched for via HERMES-Catalog) can also be searched for via the National Chinese Classics Database.
National Chinese Classics Database
Search by specifying “Hitotsubashi University" as the “Holding Institution." Items are recorded using the original Chinese characters, but they can be searched for using any of the simplified or traditional Chinese, or Japanese characters.
Images of the opening pages for some items can be viewed.
Books in Korean (Hangul)
Entry status
Except for special items such as antique books and ancient writings, all items can be searched for using HERMES-Catalog.
Search method
As a rule, books written in Hangul are searched for in Hangul.
Some items can only be searched for using the Japanese translation (Kanji or Japanese reading).
Books in Cyrillic (Russian)
Entry status
Items received from FY1994 onwards can be searched for using HERMES-Catalog.
Items with older dates of publication can sometimes be searched for via HERMES-Catalog, so please use both HERMES-Catalog and the card catalog.
Search method
Searching is possible using either Cyrillic letters or their romanized transliteration.
- Table of Cyrillic letters and romanized equivalents → About searching for Cyrillic books (Provided by the Institute of Economic Research Library)
Maintenance of HERMES-Catalog
Maintenance work will be carried out periodically to maintain the product. The HERMES-Catalog will be unavailable during the maintenance work. It will be announced in the information on the HERMES-Catalog search page and on the Library website.
In addition, due to the maintenance of HERMES-Search, HERMES-Link search results will not be displayed in HERMES-Catalog search results. Each document is available by searching individual databases and publishers’ websites. Please refer to the “Mentenance of HERMES-Search" section of the Searching HERMES-Search site for information on maintenance work in this case. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.