Searching Partner Libraries and Other Libraries

If you can’t find what you are looking for at Hitotsubashi University, try looking at the collections of partner universities and other libraries. Most of the materials are available by photocopy, Interlibrary loan, or direct visit.

If you are unable to find what you are looking for, our librarians will help you.

Searching for materials held by partner libraries

This is a cross-search and online catalog of libraries that have an agreement with Hitotsubashi University Library. The method of use differs depending on each library, but it may be easier to use than other libraries.

CiNii Books

This is a comprehensive catalog database of books and journals held by university libraries nationwide.

OPACs of partner libraries

Search for materials held by non-Hitotsubashi libraries

Search the online catalog of the appropriate institution depending on the content and field of the material you are looking for.

National Diet Library Online

You can search for general materials (books, journals, etc.) held by the National Diet Library.

The National Diet Library holds a comprehensive collection of publications in Japan through legal deposit system.

Union Catalogue Database of Japanese Texts

This is a comprehensive catalog database of early Japanese books.

National Chinese Classics Database(Japanese only)

This is a comprehensive catalog database of Chinese classics held by major university libraries and public libraries in Japan.

Cross-search of Tokyo Metropolitan Library Collections(Japanese only)

Cross-search the online catalogs of public libraries in Tokyo. Recommended for those looking for educational books, entertainment books, literary books, etc.

Calil(Japanese only)

Cross-search of public libraries is available. You can also search by region or by library.


OCLC’s comprehensive catalog of materials held by various libraries around the world.