Due to the Common Test for University Admissions, the Library will be closed on January 13 and 14, 2024.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

Due to the preparations for the Common Test for University Admissions, library will close at 17:00 on January 12, 2024.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

APA PsycArticles is available.
The American Psychological Association (APA) provides a variety of databases containing abstracts and a wealth of full-text information covering all areas of psychology and related disciplines. The “Journal of applied psychology" and “Psychological bulletin," which the university subscribes to in printed form, are also available electronically.

*Off-campus access is available. Please log in to “Hitotsubashi Authentication System Single Sign-On" when accessing from off-campus.

We have entered into a three-year transformative agreement (*1) with Springer Nature from January 2024 to December 2026.

*1 Transformative Agreement
This is the agreement under which the fees paid by universities and other institutions to publishers for access to articles will be progressively converted to APCs (Article Processing Charges), with the aim of expanding open access publication.

Access to SpringerLink e-journal Advanced Package

This agreement provides access to approximately 2,200 Springer journals.

The list of titles included in the package can be found at the following link;

SpringerLink e-journal Advanced Package Title List

Visit SpringerLink

About APC (Article Publication Processing Charge)

If you are the corresponding author of a paper submitted to a hybrid journal of Springer Journals, Academic Journals on nature.com, Palgrave Macmillan Journals, or Adis Journals, please contact us.

The list of eligible titles can be found at the following link;

Eligible for Transformative Agreement Title List

For more information, please contact us using the form below;

Contact us about e-journals / electronic databases

We will inform you of cancelled databases from 2024. Check the list below.

Our website will be down for maintenance from 13:00 on 2023/12/27(Wed.).
The service suspension may change depending on situation. During maintenance, urgent messages will be posted on Facebook and X (formerly Twitter).

You can still use HERMES-Search. You can still use e-journals via the title list or HERMES-Search. Some electronic resources are available from off-campus. When you access an e-resource from off-campus via the library’s respective search system, the Hitotsubashi Authentication ID Single Sign-On login screen will appear. Enter your Hitotsubashi Authentication ID and password to log in.

HERMES-Catalog, MyLibrary, HERMES-IR and Databases List can be used after library system maintenance has done. We thank you for your understanding.

Library online service will be unavailable due to system maintenance. We thank you for your understanding.

Date Time Service to suspend
12/27 (Wed.) 4:00~13:30 ・“My Page” in “MyLibrary”
8:00~13:30 ・HERMES-Catalog (Online Library Catalog)
・Database List
・E-mails with domain names of @lib.hit-u.ac.jp

* Library will be closed on 12/27 (Wed.).
* Delivery of e-mails from the Library may be delayed.
* Time of service suspension may change depending on situation.

Due to the New Year holidays, the Library will be closed from December 27, 2023 (Wednesday) to January 4, 2024 (Thursday).

  • The Library will be open from 8:40 a.m. on January 5, 2024 (Friday).
  • While the Library is closed, please use the Book return post.
  • Please do not return Interlibrary Loan materials to the Book return post.

The computer area on the 1st floor will be unavailable due to routine maintenance on December 13 from 1 pm until closing time.
We thank you for your understanding.

Due to the facility maintenance, The Reading Room will be closed.

 December 7, 2023 (Thursday)

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

→The Reading Room has opened at 15:00. Please use the room until 21:30.