Appointment for a visit to Kodaira Research Library and Archives
You need an appointment when you want to visit to KodairaResearch Library and Archives. Please make an appointment as follows.
Application procedure
- In the subject line in your e-mail, please write “Kodaira Research Library visit appointment".
- Please include the following information in the body of the e-mail. Please use “HERMES-Catalog” (Hitotsubashi University Library Catalog) to check the call number and barcode number.
- Your name:
- Contact methods (e-mail address, phone number, fax, etc.):
- Title of the material you wish to use (if it is ajournal or annual report, please include the volume number if possible)
- Call number (if identifiable):
- Barcode number (if identifiable):
- Desired date of use (Tuesdays or Thursdays, between 13:30-16:30):
- Please send your request to the following e-mail address.
lib-service-order at (please replace “at" with “@") - We will contact you when we are ready for your visit.
Reception time (time of receipt of e-mail)
Visit on Tuesdays: Please make an appointment by the previous day (Monday), 16:45.
Visit on Thursdays: Please make an appointment by the previous day (Wednesday), 16:45.
If “the previous day" stated above is a holiday, please apply by 16:45 on the weekday before the holiday.
※If you do not have an e-mail address, please fill out the “Application procedure" form and send it by fax (042-580-8251) or mail.