Here are some e-resources that are available from off-campus. Please use them for your research and study at home.
We will keep this page updated.

How to Use

Please be sure to log in to MyLibrary with your Hitotsubashi authentication ID before using this service.
For basic usage, please see Remote Access.

The licensed e-resources that can be accessed from off-campus

E-resources accessible for a limited time as a trial from off-campus

  • D1-Law [added July 29, 2020] [updated October 1, 2021]
    • A comprehensive database of laws and legal precedents in Japan.
    • ID and Password are necessary to access from off campus.
    • ID and Password issued in 2020 are still available.
    • If you need new ID and Password, please contact us from here.
    • Period: – March 31, 2022
  • eol [added June 16, 2020] [updated March 24, 2021]
    • A database of corporate information such as securities reports, financial statements, and financial data.
    • *Off-campus access is available for a limited time.
    • Number of simultaneous accesses: 2. Please log out when you finish using.
  • JSTOR ( e-journals) [added April 20, 2020] [updated May 11, 2021]
    • Archives of e-journals in various fields.
    • Period for e-journals: – June 30, 2022
    • *Using contents not contracted by the University is available for a limited time.
  • LEX/DB INTERNET [added May 19, 2020] [updated August 4, 2020]
    • The database of Japanese judicial precedent.
    • *Japanese Only
    • Period: – March 31, 2022
    • Number of simultaneous accesses: 10. Please log out when you finish using.
  • NikkeiNEEDS-FinancialQUEST [updated September 2, 2021]
    • The database that allows you to download various data from Nikkei Inc.’s Comprehensive Economic Data Bank System in Excel format from the web.
    • If you would like to obtain an ID and password that can be used from off-campus, please click here (Japanese Only) for information on the usage environment and other details before applying.
    • Period: – March 31, 2022
  • Oxford Scholarship Online EBA [added April 28, 2020] [updated July 1, 2021]
    • E-books (excluding handbooks) published by Oxford University Press. It covers 27 fields from humanities and social sciences to medical sciences. Read more.
    • Period: – January 31, 2022
    • * All titles are available including contents not contracted by the university for a limited time.
  • ProQuest Primary Resources [added September 1, 2021][End of trial period]
  • Taylor & Francis eBooks [added May 13, 2020] [updated April 8, 2022]
    • More than 100,000 eBooks from a variety of publishers are available, including Routledge for the humanities and social sciences, and CRC Press for the science and technology sector.
    • Period: – April 30, 2022
    • *All titles are available for a limited time including contents not contracted by the university.
    • *Titles in the trial are not available for download in PDF, but only for online viewing and printing.
  • Haver Analytics [added May 24, 2021] [updated June 3, 2021][End of trial period]
    • Haver Analytics has 250+ databases from over 1350 government and private sources. please click here.
    • Period: -July 25, 2021 (Sunday)
    • Please apply from Google Classroom


  • Use of electronic resources is limited to members of the University.
  • The following acts are prohibited by contract. If not, the service of Hitotsubashi University as a whole may be suspended.
    • Downloading large amounts of data collectively or continuously using automatic download software, etc.
    • Use for any purpose other than personal academic research and education
    • Redistribution to third parties
    • Other unauthorized access
  • For details on the terms of use of each content, please refer to the terms and conditions (Terms and Conditions, User Agreement, etc.) on each provider’s site.

Our website will be down for maintenance from 10 am until the evening on March 25. The outage might have to be extended if any unanticipated problems occur. During maintenance, urgent messages will be posted on Facebook and Twitter.

You can still use HERMES-Search, HERMES-Catalog, MyLibrary, and HERMES-IR. You can still use databases also via the Databases List and e-journals via the title list or HERMES-Search. Some electronic resources are available from off-campus. Please access via MyLibrary. We are sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation.

“BELL” No.196, a University Library public relations magazine, has been issued.

image: BELL No.196

BELL No.196

Newsletter BELL

Welcome to Hitotsubashi University!
All Hitotsubashi University Library staff are looking forward to helping you.

We have a playlist for new students on our YouTube channel. Please check it out as well. *Japanese ONLY

Opening Hours

Sat., Sun., Holidays
Sat., Sun., Holidays
Library Main Building8:40-22:00
[Spring Semester] 8:40-20:00
[Spring Semester] Sat. CLOSED
Periodicals Annex8:40-21:30
[Spring Semester] 8:40-19:30
[Spring Semester] Sat. CLOSED
Reading Room8:40-21:30
[Spring Semester] 8:40-19:30

*more details, show here.

How to enter

Entrance of the library is at the Clock Tower on the West Campus.
Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays, the main entrance is closed. You can use the south entrance.
*Click here for details.

The student ID card is required to enter / exit the library or to checkout books.

Self-guided library tour gives you a brief overview of library service and facilities.
*Click here for details.

Circulation Service

Checkout LimitsLoan Period
(Books for study)
Loan Period
(Other books)
Undergraduate Students10 books2 weeks2 weeks
Graduate Students/Researchers30 books2 weeks2 months

*Click here for details.

About MyLibrary

With MyLibrary you can:

  • Check of Status of Loan/Reservation
  • Extension of Return Dates
  • Reservation for On-loan Materials
  • Request other campus materials
  • Group study room reservation
  • Photocopy / Interlibrary Loan
  • Book purchase request
  • Remote Access

*Click here for details.

IT environment

In the library, you can use the university’s wireless LAN and the same PC and printer as the Information Education Building.

*Click here for details.

Search Materials

You can search library materials and e-resource contents with HERMES-Search.
HERMES-Search is available from the search box in the center of the library website.

Databeses, e-Journals, e-Books

See below for the electronic resources available at Hitotsubashi University.

If you want to use them from off-campus, show here.

Help Desk

You can ask a librarian about how to use the library, how to find materials and using materials from other institutions.

  • Place: Library Main Building 1st floor
  • Service Hour:
    [Quarter] Weekdays 9:00-17:00
    [Break] Weekdays 9:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00

* As a general rule, questions to the help desk are accepted from inquiry from Ask a librarian to prevent infectious diseases.

Rules and Regulations

  • Please take good care of books.
  • Please put books back in the original place after using them.
  • Please do not eat or drink.
    *Only drinks in sealed containers are allowed.
  • Please return books before due date.

*Click here for details

Event Guide

The library holds a variety of events throughout the year. 
Click here for details. *Japanese ONLY

Information for Graduate Students

* The contents are intended for graduate students, but can also be viewed by undergraduate students.

Guidance for Graduate Students

Google Classroom (for fraduate students: online guidance) provides videos and slide materials on how to find materials and library services.
How to use ▶Access Google Classroom ▶ Sign in with your Hitotsubashi Authentication ID ▶ Join a class ▶ View various contents
*Japanese ONLY

Institutional Repository

HERMES-IR, Hitotsubashi Educational and Research MEdia Service-Institutional Repository, is an archive which collects, preserves and disseminates digital copies of research outputs of the University.
*Click here for details.

The Library will be closed on the following schedule.

  • March 21 and 22, 2021

There will be no entrance examination of Hitotsubashi University, but the library will be closed for maintenance.
We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

HERMES-Catalog (Online Library Catalog) and MyLibrary (including off-campus access to e-resources) will be unavailable due to system maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Date and time: March 18 (Thu) 9:00 through 9:30

*Please finish using MyLibrary before the service outage, as input data may be lost due to system shutdown.
*Ending time of service outage may vary depending on the circumstances of work.
*HERMES-Search is available, but part of search results (e-resource accessible via MyLibrary) may not show up.

The entrance/exit gate of the library will change on March 24, 2021.
You have to touch the IC card or hold the barcode card over not only when entering the library but also when leaving.
As a result, it will be possible to know the length of stay of visitors. We expect that we will be able to quickly identify the person who was present at the time of the outbreak of infectious disease or large disasters.

It may be inconvenient, but we appreciate your cooperation.

Library online services will be unavailable due to system maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Date and time: March 12 (Fri) 8:30 through 14:30
The following library online services will be unavailable.

  • HERMES-Catalog (Online Library Catalog)
  • MyLibrary (including off-campus access to e-resources)
  • Database List
  • E-mail with domain names of

*Library will be closed on March 12, 2021.
* Sending time of Due date alert will be later than usual.
*Time of service outage may vary depending on the circumstances of work.
*HERMES-Search is available, but part of search results (e-resource accessible via MyLibrary) may not show up.

The computer area on the 1st floor will be unavailable due to routine maintenance on March 10 from 1pm until closing time.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Our website will be down for maintenance from 10 am until the evening on March 8. The outage might have to be extended if any unanticipated problems occur. During maintenance, urgent messages will be posted on Facebook and Twitter.

You can still use HERMES-Search, HERMES-Catalog, MyLibrary, and HERMES-IR. You can still use databases also via the Databases List and e-journals via the title list or HERMES-Search. Some electronic resources are available from off-campus. Please access via MyLibrary. We are sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation.