6/10(Mon.) Notice of Change in Access Method for “WestlawNext” Database

The access method for WestlawNext, a comprehensive database of legal information focusing on U.S. law, will be changed on the following date and time.

Date of change: Monday, June 10, 2024, around 9:00 a.m.

After that, when you click the database name on the database list, the Hitotsubashi Authentication ID Single Sign-On screen will appear, regardless of whether you are connecting from the on-campus or off-campus network. Please sign in with your Hitotsubashi Authentication ID and password.

*After signing in, you can use the database as before.
*Personalized settings such as “Time Zone" and “History" can be customized in “Profile Settings>My Preferences" in the upper right corner of the top screen. If you check “Send History At Sing Off" under “History," you can send your search history to a specified e-mail address when you sign off. Please make sure to change the e-mail address to your own before using this function.
*To sign off completely, close your entire browser.