Trial:EBSCO eBooks(-2023/12)

Database of primary sources provided by EBSCO.
The database is provided by EBSCO. The contents you can access listed below.

*Off-campus access is available.
*For remote access, please go to Remote Access.

  • 和書eBooks
    Approximately 13,000 Japanese titles, ranging from general books to academic books.
  • eBook Academic Collection
    It consists of about 230,000 e-book titles published by major publishers and university presses, covering a wide variety of academic fields.
  • eBook Business Collection
    This is a collection of approximately 19,000 titles specializing in the field of business and economics.
  • eBook History Collection
    The collection consists of approximately 16,000 titles in the field of history and supports the information needs of students and faculty in history. Titles range from introductory-level books, such as those used in undergraduate courses, to more complex and detailed books for researchers.
  • University Press Collection
    This is a collection of approximately 27,000 titles published by more than 90 renowned university presses around the world. From basic introductory-level texts to high-level research materials, the collection includes titles for users.