Our website will be down for maintenance from 11:00 on September 6. The outage might have to be extended if any unanticipated problems occur. During maintenance, urgent messages will be posted on Facebook and Twitter.

You can still use HERMES-Search, HERMES-Catalog, MyLibrary, and HERMES-IR. You can still use databases also via the Databases List and e-journals via the title list or HERMES-Search. Some electronic resources are available from off-campus. Please access via Hitotsubashi Authentication System Single Sign-On. We are sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation.

[9/6(Tue.) added] Off-campus access to e-resources is available.

Library online service will be unavailable due to system maintenance. We thank you for your understanding.

DateTimeService to suspend
9/7 (Wed.)8:00 ~ 14:00・HERMES-Catalog (Online Library Catalog)
・MyLibrary (including off-campus access to e-resources)
・Database List
Search results of HERMES-Search
・E-mails with domain names of @lib.hit-u.ac.jp
  • Library will be closed on 9/7 (Wed.).
  • Delivery of e-mails from the Library may be delayed.
  • HERMES-Search is available, but part of search results (e-resource accessible
    via MyLibrary) may not show up.
  • Time of service suspension may change depending on situation.

■ Asahi Shimbun Cross Search
All services will be suspended from 17:00 to 24:00 on August 31, 2022 .

■ Asahi Shimbun Kikuzo II Visual
All services will be suspended from 17:00 to 19:00 on August 31, 2022.

* Asahi Shimbun Kikuzo II Visual will end parallel operation on August 31st.


8/29 (Mon.) 14:00 update
MyLibrary and login for HERMES-IR is available.

Library service will be unavailable due to moving Center for Information and Communication Technology’s function. We thank you for your understanding.

Date and TimeService to suspend
8/29(Mon.)9:00 ~
・PCs in university library

Online service:
・MyLibrary(including off-campus access to e-resources)
・Login to HERMES-IR
  • Time of maintenance may change depending on situation.
  • For borrowed materials due on 8/29 or 8/30, the due date will be extended to 8/31.

Library online service will be unavailable due to scheduled power outage. We thank you for your understanding.

DateTimeService to suspend
8/27 (Sat.)9:00 ~ all day・HERMES-Catalog (Online Library Catalog)
・MyLibrary (including off-campus access to e-resources)
・Database List
・Search results of HERMES-Search
・E-mails with domain names of @lib.hit-u.ac.jp
  • Library will be closed on 8/27 (Sat.).
  • Time of service suspension may change depending on situation.
  • Delivery of e-mails from the Library may be delayed.
  • HERMES-Search is available, but part of search results (e-resource accessible via MyLibrary) may not show up.

Library online service will be unavailable due to system maintenance. We thank you for your understanding.

DateTimeService to suspend
8/15(Mon.)all day・HERMES-Catalog (Online Library Catalog)
・MyLibrary (including off-campus access to e-resources)
・Database List
・Search results of HERMES-Search
・E-mails with domain names of @lib.hit-u.ac.jp
  • Library will be closed on 8/15 (Mon.).
  • Time of service suspension may change depending on situation.
  • Delivery of e-mails from the Library may be delayed.
  • HERMES-Search is available, but part of search results (e-resource accessible via MyLibrary) may not show up.

Library service will be unavailable due to network system maintenance. We thank you for your understanding.

DateTimeService to suspend
8/10(Wed.)10:00~13:00・Wireless LAN(1284Wireless)
  • Time of service suspension may change depending on situation.

Library service will be unavailable due to system maintenance. We thank you for your understanding.

DateTimeService to suspend
7/21(Thu.)Service will stop for few minutes between 12:00 and 12:30.・HERMES-Catalog
・MyLibrary(including off-campus access to e-resources)
・Search results of HERMES-Search
  • Time of maintenance may change depending on situation.
  • HERMES-Search is available, but part of search results (e-resource accessible
    via MyLibrary) may not show up.

The computer area on the 1st floor will be unavailable due to routine maintenance on July 13 from 1 pm until closing time.
We thank you for your understanding.

HERMES-Search are working as normal (7/1 (Fri.) 14:30).

HERMES-Search (Search box on the top page of the library website) are currently unavailable (7/1 (Fri.) 10:30).

HERMES-Catalog, e-journal and e-book lists, and database lists are available as usual.

We are investigating causes and will take actions.
We apologize for the inconvenience.