9/4 (Fri.) ~9/28 (Mon.) Partial suspension of library services

The library will renew its systems at late September, 2020. In preparation for this, some services will be partially suspended as indicated in the chart below. We apologize for any inconvenience.

ServiceSuspension Period
Acceptance of registration in HERMES-IR2020/9/4 (Fri.) 17:00~2020/9/28 (Mon.) 12:00
Purchase requests2020/9/11 (Fri.) 17:00~2020/9/28 (Mon.) 12:00
Checking status of purchase requests
Facility reservation
2020/9/18 (Fri.) 17:00~2020/9/28 (Mon.) 12:00
Interlibrary loans and photocopy requests2020/9/24 (Thu.) 17:00~2020/9/28 (Mon.) 12:00
Checking status of loans, reservations
Checking status of interlibrary loans and photocopy requests
Registration/change/deletion of e-mail addresses
Reservation and request of materials
Renewal of loans
MyLibrary bookmarks and tags
2020/9/25 (Fri.) 17:00~2020/9/28 (Mon.) 12:00
Database List
Search results of HERMES-Search*
Off-Campus remote access
2020/9/28 (Mon.) 8:00 (For a few minutes)
Switching to the new system.

*Part of search results (e-resource accessible via MyLibrary) may not show up.

Time of service suspension may change depending on the situation of work. Any changes to the schedule will be announced on the “News” page of the library’s website.